OntoWiki 0.7 is now available for download. Changes in this release include
- Access Control at Model and Action level
- Enhancements in System Ontology http://ns.ontowiki.net/SysOnt/
- User Data is now FOAF compatible and managed as RDF Knowledge Base
- New SPARQL Query Shell together with a brand new SPARQL Engine
- New URI Routing (list, (class) view)
- GUI enhancements
- Several bug fixes
- Environment Changes include: New Zend 1.0.0, New RAP 0.9.5, Separation from Powl
Notes for Updaters:
- Create a new config.ini from the distributed file, the old 0.6 one doesnt work with 0.7
- Users are saved as RDF content now, you need to reregister your users.