ESWC 2017 accepted two Demo Papers by AKSW members

Hello Community! The 14th ESWC, which takes place from May 28th to June 1st 2017 in Portoroz, Slovenia, accepted two demos to be presented at the conference. Read more about them in the following:                                                                        

1. “KBox Distributing Ready-to-query RDF Knowledge Graphs by Edgard Marx, Ciro Baron, Tommaso Soru and Sandro Athaide Coleho

Abstract: The Semantic Web community has successfully contributed to a remarkable number of RDF datasets published on the Web.However, to use and build applications on top of Linked Data is still a cumbersome and time-demanding task.We present \textsc{KBox}, an open-source platform that facilitates the distribution and consumption of RDF data.We show the different APIs implemented by \textsc{KBox}, as well as the processing steps from a SPARQL query to its corresponding result.Additionally, we demonstrate how \textsc{KBox} can be used to share RDF knowledge graphs and to instantiate SPARQL endpoints.

Please see:


2. “EAGLET – All That Glitters is not Gold – Rule-Based Curation of Reference Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking“ by Kunal Jha, Michael Röder and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

The desideratum to bridge the unstructured and structured data on theweb has lead to the advancement of a considerable number of annotation tools andthe evaluation of these Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking systems isincontrovertibly one of the primary tasks. However, these evaluations are mostlybased on manually created gold standards. As much these gold standards have anupper hand of being created by a human, it also has room for major proportionof over-sightedness. We will demonstrate EAGLET, a tool that supports the semi-automatic checking of a gold standard based on a set of uniform annotation rules.

Please also see:

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