The fourth ALIGNED project meeting will be held in Leipzig between December 2-4, 2015. During the meeting, we welcome our guest presenters Ralph Schäfermeier and Dr. Anika Groß who will give presentations about the topic of Management of Ontology Evolution (see below). ALIGNED quality-centric, software and data engineering is a research project funded by Horizon 2020, Project No. 644055. ALIGNED will develop new ways to build and maintain IT systems that use big data on the web (see bottom for more information).
The presentations will take place on Dec 3rd, 15:45 in Room P-502 (Paulinum, Leipzig)
If you wish to join the whole meeting (Dec 2nd-4th), please contact Dimitris Kontokostas.
OntoMaven: Maven-based Ontology Development and Management of Distributed Ontology Repositories
Among our guest speakers are Ralph Schäfermeier (Freie Universität Berlin) who will present a talk (Thu, Dec 3rd 15:45) on “OntoMaven“ (an Apache Maven tool for distributed ontology engineering and ontology-based software engineering).
Abstract: In collaborative agile ontology development projects support for modular reuse of ontologies from large existing remote repositories, ontology project life cycle management, and transitive dependency management are important needs. The Apache Maven approach has proven its success in distributed collaborative Software Engineering by its widespread adoption. The contribution of this paper is a new design artifact called OntoMaven. OntoMaven adopts the Maven-based development methodology and adapts its concepts to knowledge engineering for Maven-based ontology development and management of ontology artifacts in distributed ontology repositories.
Evolution of Ontology-based Mappings
Additionally, Dr. Anika Groß (Universität Leipzig, Institut für Informatik, Abteilung Datenbanken) will introduce the ELISA project (Thu, Dec 3rd 16:15) which addresses the development and evaluation of new methods for creating and maintaining semantic annotations. All of the partners will also give short technical briefings on aspects of the current ALIGNED project work that have proved especially interesting.
Abstract: Ontologies are used in numerous research disciplines and commercial applications to uniformly and semantically annotate real-world objects. Due to a rapid development of application domains the corresponding ontologies are changed frequently to include up-to-date knowledge. These changes dramatically influence dependent data as well as applications/systems, for instance, ontology mappings, that semantically interrelate ontologies. The talk will give an overview on evolution of ontologies and ontology-based mappings.
ALIGNED quality-centric, software and data engineering is a research project funded by Horizon 2020. ALIGNED will develop new ways to build and maintain IT systems that use big data on the web. ALIGNED brings together world class computer science researchers (Trinity College Dublin, University of Oxford, University of Leipzig), software companies specialised in data-intensive systems (Semantic Web Company), information companies (Wolters Kluwer) and academic curators of the Seshat: Global History Databank, large datasets describing world history and archaeology (University of Oxford, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Together they will create more efficient methods of building IT systems that extract, process, publish and share web data.
ALIGNED will lay the foundations for the next generation of big data systems that lower costs and deal with the web data challenges of dynamism, complexity, scale and inconsistency. ALIGNED is coordinated by the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin and is an associated project of the Science Foundation Ireland ADAPT research centre.