AKSW Colloquium “Towards an Open Question Answering Architecture” conference pre-presentation on Monday, August 18 in P702

Towards an Open Question Answering Architecture

On Monday, August 18 ,13.30, Edgard Marx, will give a pre-presentation of his Semantics’ conference talk about the accepted paper Towards an Open Question Answering Architecture.

About the AKSW Colloquium

This event is part of a series of events about Semantic Web technology. Please see http://wiki.aksw.org/Colloquium for further information about previous and future events. As always, Bachelor and Master students are able to get points for attendance and there is complimentary coffee and cake after the session.

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AKSW member will participate in ECAI 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

ECAI Header Image


The  21st European Conference  on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) will be held in the city of Prague, Czech  Republic from 18th to 22nd August 2014. Various excellent papers on artificial intellegence, logic, rule mining and many more topics will be presented.

AKSW member Ricardo Usbeck will present a poster of AGDISTIS – Agnostic Disambiguation of Named Entities using Linked Data. To the best of our knowledge AGDISTIS is able to outperform the state-of-the-art approaches in entity linking by up to 29% f-meassure. Come and visit him at ECAI 2014.

A demo of AGDISTIS is available here: http://agdistis.aksw.org/demo and the paper can be found here.

Ricardo on behalf of AKSW
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Additional contributions to SEMANTiCS 2014

Hello again!
Unfortunately, we missed the opportunity to inform you about other contributions of AKSW to the SEMANTiCS 2014.
First, we missed to tell you about another accepted paper:
  • Towards Question Answering on Statistical Linked Data ( Konrad Höffner and Jens Lehmann)

Second, there is also another excellent and interesting series of workshops.

Date Title Hosts Room Room Website
________________________________ ____________ 09:00 – 12:30 14:00 – 17:30
01.09.2014 Link Discovery of the Web of Data (Organized by GeoKnow & LinkingLOD) Axel Ngonga (Uni Leipzig) yes Website
01.09.2014 GeoLD – Geospatial Linked Data (organised by the GeoKnow Project) Jens Lehmann (Uni Leipzig)

Daniel Hladky (Ontos)

Andreas Both (Unister)

yes yes Website
01.09.2014 MLODE 2014 – Content Analysis and the Semantic Web, a LIDER Hackathon Bettina Klimek (Uni Leipzig), Philipp Cimiano (Uni Bielefeld) yes yes Website
02.09.2014 MLODE 2014 – Mulitlingual Linked Open Data for Enterprises, LIDER Roadmapping workshop Bettina Klimek (Uni Leipzig), Philipp Cimiano (Uni Bielefeld) yes yes Website
02.09.2014 MLODE 2014 – Community meetings and break-out sessions Bettina Klimek (Uni Leipzig), Philipp Cimiano (Uni Bielefeld) yes Website
Visit us from on the 1st to the 5th September in Leipzig, Germany and enjoy the talks. More information on these publications at http://aksw.org/Publications.
Ricardo on behalf of AKSW

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Five AKSW Papers at SEMANTiCS 2014

Hello Community!
We are very pleased to announce that five of our papers were accepted for presentation at SEMANTiCS 2014.  The papers cover architectures for Big Data Search Engines, Linked Data Visualisations, Machine Learning and Dataset Descriptions. In more detail, we will present the following papers:
  • A distributed search framework for full-text, geo-spatial and semantic search (Andreas Both, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ricardo Usbeck, Christiane Lemke, Denis Lukovnikov and Maximilian Speicher)
  • LD Viewer – Linked Data Presentation Framework (Denis Lukovnikov, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann)
  • A Comparison of Supervised Learning Classifiers for Link Discovery (Tommaso Soru and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo)
  • Towards an Open Question Answering Architecture (Edgard Marx, Ricardo Usbeck, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Konrad Höffner, Jens Lehmann and Sören Auer)
  • DataID: Towards Semantically Rich Metadata For Complex Datasets (Martin Brümmer, Ciro Baron, Ivan Ermilov, Markus Freudenberg and Sebastian Hellmann)

Additionally, there are also interessting workshops. For example, Link Discovery of the Web of Data (Organized by GeoKnow & LinkingLOD) organized by Axel Ngonga-Ngomo.

Visit us from on the 4th and 5th September in Leipzig, Germany and enjoy the talks. More information on these publications at http://aksw.org/Publications.
Ricardo on behalf of AKSW

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[CfP] Semantic Web Journal: Special Issue on Question Answering over Linked Data

Dear all,
The Semantic Web Journal is launching a special issue on Question Answering over Linked Data, soliciting original papers that
* address the challenges involved in question answering over linked data,
* present resources and tools to support question answering over linked data, or
* describe question answering systems and applications.
Submission deadline is November 30th, 2014. For more detailed information please visit:
With kind regards,
Axel Ngonga and Christina Unger
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New Version of FOX

Dear all,
We are very pleased to announce a new version of FOX [1]. Several improvements have been carried out:
(1) We have fixed minor issues in the code. In addition, we have updated several libraries.
(2) As a result, the FOX output parameters have changed minimally. An exact specification of the parameters with examples is available at the demo page. [2]
(3) Moreover, we now make bindings available for Java[3] and Python[4] to use FOX’s web service within your application.
Enjoy and cheers,
The FOX team
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AKSW successful at ESWC 2014


After a week full of exciting presentations, demos, posters and especially keynotes AKSW members are back from the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2014 (ESWC).

Furthermore, we bring happy news with us. AKSW members won four prizes this year! In detail these are:

Meet us at aksw.org!

All the best,
Ricardo on behalf of AKSW

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AKSW Colloquium PhD student talks of Martin Brümmer and Ricardo Usbeck on Monday, May 19, 3.00 p.m.

“Exploitation scenarios for Wikipedia abstracts” by Martin Brümmer

Martin Brümmer has started as a researcher at AKSW in Dec. 2013. He is a contributor to the NLP2RDF and the DBpedia Project and was co-chair of the Multilingual Linked Data for Enterprises (MLODE) 2012 workshop. He contributed to the development of the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud with conversions of diverse linguistic datasets into RDF. He is also maintaining an RDF-backed database of sidejobs done by the members of the German parliament. His research focus is on Linguistic Linked Open Data, NLP in the Semantic Web and Open Government Data.


In the context of the DBpedia project, most of the structured data contained in the Wikipedia has already been or is in the process of being extracted. However, the unstructured text containing most enzyclopaedic knowledge is largely unexplored. The talk will try to define some exploitation scenarios of Wikipedia abstracts with the goal of exploring directions for future research.

“Combining Linked Data and Statistical Information Retrieval” by Ricardo Usbeck


Being a part of the Information Age, users are challenged with a tremendously growing amount of Web data which generates a need for more sophisticated information retrieval systems. Linked Data provides necessary procedures to augment the highly unstructured Web with suitable metadata in order to leverage search quality and user experience. In this talk, we will outline an approach for creating a web-scale, precise and efficient information system capable of understanding keyword, entity and natural language queries. By using Semantic Web methods the doctoral work will present how the underlying knowledge is created and elaborated searches can be performed on top.

About the AKSW Colloquium

This event is part of a series of events about Semantic Web technology. Please see http://wiki.aksw.org/Colloquium for further information about previous and future events. As always, Bachelor and Master students are able to get points for attendance and there is complimentary coffee and cake after the session.

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SEMANTiCS 2014 — Workshops, Tutorials and Meetings

From September 1 to 3, the preliminary SEMANTiCS conference program offers a wide range of workshops, tutorials and meetings (programme). Meetings will be in the Paulinum, one of the main buildings of the University Leipzig.

To participate in one of the workshops or tutorials, please visit our registration website. All workshops will be free!

The following workshops invite you to come and join us.

Visit also www.semantics.cc/programme for updates. Especially, we want to invite you to join the 2nd DBpedia community meeting on September 3rd.

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RDFaCE 0.7 Schema.org edition released…

In order to stay up to date with the current changes in TinyMCE, WordPress and Schema.org, we released a new version of our RDFaCE editor for semantic content authoring.

The new version of RDFaCE comes with the following main changes:

  • Compatibility with WordPress 3.9 and TinyMCE 4.0
  • Support of all existing DBpedia classes for automatic content annotation
  • Support for inline content editing using the HTML5 contenteditable attribute
  • Configuration for automatic annotation (confidence, markup format, entity types)
  • Some bug fixes

For more information about RDFaCE, please read this paper or watch our video about the WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) concept.

To try a demo of the new version, visit http://rdface.aksw.org/demo/

To download RDFaCE plugin for WordPress, visit http://wordpress.org/plugins/rdface/

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