Hello Community!
We are very pleased to announce that five of our papers were accepted for presentation at SEMANTiCS 2014. The papers cover architectures for Big Data Search Engines, Linked Data Visualisations, Machine Learning and Dataset Descriptions. In more detail, we will present the following papers:
- A distributed search framework for full-text, geo-spatial and semantic search (Andreas Both, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ricardo Usbeck, Christiane Lemke, Denis Lukovnikov and Maximilian Speicher)
- LD Viewer – Linked Data Presentation Framework (Denis Lukovnikov, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann)
- A Comparison of Supervised Learning Classifiers for Link Discovery (Tommaso Soru and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo)
- Towards an Open Question Answering Architecture (Edgard Marx, Ricardo Usbeck, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Konrad Höffner, Jens Lehmann and Sören Auer)
- DataID: Towards Semantically Rich Metadata For Complex Datasets (Martin Brümmer, Ciro Baron, Ivan Ermilov, Markus Freudenberg and Sebastian Hellmann)
Additionally, there are also interessting workshops. For example, Link Discovery of the Web of Data (Organized by GeoKnow & LinkingLOD) organized by Axel Ngonga-Ngomo.
Visit us from on the 4th and 5th September in Leipzig, Germany and enjoy the talks. More information on these publications at http://aksw.org/Publications.
Ricardo on behalf of AKSW