We are proud to announce the completion of the new DBpedia website. We used the New Year’s break as an opportunity to alter layout, design and content of the DBpedia website, according to the requirements of the DBpedia community and DBpedia members. We’ve created a new site to better present the DBpedia movement in its many facets.
New Website and Blog
The DBpedia team have diligently cleaned up the website, have removed outdated content and created a platform for new tools, applications, services and data sets. We additionally integrated the DBpedia blog on the website, a long overdue step. So now, you have access to all in one spot.
Feedback Button
Feedback from the community and members is very important to us. So, we offer a tool for you, to make your voice heard. Just click the feedback button on the new DBpedia website. If you find the content helpful, please click on Yep. If you think the content is not sufficient, please report to us either directly on the website or via dbpedia@infai.org.
The DBpedia Association would like to thank Bettina Klimek, Henri Selbmann (Seefeuer GbR) and the KILT Competence Center at InfAI for their constant support to create the new DBpedia website.
Have fun browsing the new DBpedia website.
Kind regards,
on behalf of the DBpedia Association