The closing ceremony of ISWC2011 in Bonn is just over and we are excited to have won the best research paper award with our paper:
Mohamed Morsey, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer, Axel Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo: DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark – Performance Assessment with Real Queries on Real Data. To appear in Proceedings of 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Oct 23-27, 2011, Bonn, Germany. [BIB]
In the paper we describe on the example of DBpedia how domain-specific SPARQL benchmarks can be generated and used for assessing the performance of triples stores.
Its a great success for Mohamed Morsey, who did most of the implementation work and is only in the second year of his PhD studies at AKSW.