Triplify 0.3 released

We just release a new version of our Web application plugin Triplify, which exposes structured data from relational databases as Linked Date, RDF, and JSON. This release contains a number of bugfixes and impovements. Most notable the compatibility with PHP4 was improved and the possibility to add meta-data to your RDF added.

These are the changes in V0.3 (08-04-2008):
* added owl:imports statement importing the vocabulary
* added rdfs:comment about generator
* configuration variable “register” added
* Syntax for indicating objectProperties added:
SELECT id,user_id ‘sioc:has_creator->user’
* Configuration variable $triplify[‘cachedir’] added
* proper UTF8 encoding of literals added (thanks to Rolf Strathewerd)
* Configuration variable $triplify[‘license’] added
* Configuration variable $triplify[‘LinkedDataDepth’] added
* Configuration variable $triplify[‘metadata’] added
* Configuration variable $triplify[‘CallbackFunctions’] added

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